She's a maverick. Meet her, and you'll know why.

Find your people, and don’t stop looking until you do…because when you find them, life and business fall neatly into place.

— Lisa M, Founder, Presence Intelligence®

By definition, a “maverick” is an independent-minded person. Oh yeah, that’s me.

How the Exciting Career Path Began

If I had followed the directives of other people in my life, I’d probably be a doctor or lawyer. But as far back as I can remember, I wanted to be a mom. So I built a career around motherhood. Instead of medical or law school, I went to art school—a job that I could ultimately do from home while raising kids. Thankfully, the Macintosh computer made its way into the marketplace just as I graduated from college, so my family didn’t have to worry that I’d be selling paintings on velvet at a curbside stand. A career in design was viable and respectable.

Before kids, I worked at a small agency in Princeton. It took only six months for me to realize that I was NOT built to be an employee. So I took the plunge and started my own business when I was 24. I worked with big-name clients such as The Muppets, Sony and Campbell’s Soup, and small but mighty ones such as matchmakers, musicians and youth hockey teams.

The Evolution of Unplanned Services

Interestingly enough, and because I kept many clients for years, I had front-row seats to all the behind-the-scene dynamics of organizations that outsiders rarely saw. I was the proverbial fly on the wall at many a meeting—in the room, present and accounted for, but not always part of the entire conversation. Eventually, my clients began turning to me for opinions and advice that had nothing to do with why I was hired. It turns out, I had a knack for troubleshooting people, words and dialogue, and I became their go-to strategist, author, editor and frequently, emotion diffuser.

From there, my career naturally evolved. I found myself helping clients and colleagues put their best foot forward in person, in print and online. I became a skilled troubleshooter of communication, delicately balancing directness and sensitivity. I even earned the nicknames “Velvet Hammer” and “Words Maestro.”

A Significant Career Shift

As an outsider-insider, I observed a wide spectrum of behavior—from leadership to dictatorship, respect to contempt, empathy to apathy. I watched some businesses flourish and others crash and burn. I concluded that “personal presence” is a maker or breaker of relationships in the boardroom, the locker room, the living room and anywhere else two or more people interact. It undeniably affects morale, productivity, rapport, engagement and revenue growth. I was fascinated by its power, so I shifted my focus from designing collateral for products and services to understanding and supporting the people behind them.

Credibility Boosts

To round out my firsthand observations and experiential expertise, I have invested heavily in professional development. I hold a number of formal certifications and have completed several certificate programs that are focused on the mechanics of the brain and its impact on business.

And, believe it or not, the unexpected curveball of a contentious divorce gave me valuable insights about personal presence that no curriculum or training could ever provide. The grit and patience it took to navigate courtroom antics, make peace with legal inequities and raise three kids on my own helped shape my proudest professional contribution: Presence Intelligence®.

My Promise

So, here’s the deal. If you’re looking to find your ideal place in the world or to shape a thriving business as fast as possible, then let’s talk. I promise candor, enthusiasm, dog-with-a-bone diligence and fun. And Presence Intelligence® is where we start.

My motto is: Look good. Sound good. Be good. Do good. But first, define good.

I’m ready. Are you?

FYI: This call is a friendly, information-only chat. No sales pitch. No pressure.


  • The Wharton School: Understanding the Brain: Using Neuroscience to Deliver Better Business Results
  • International Coach Federation (ICF) Credentialed Coach
  • Coach Training Alliance Life & Executive Coach
  • Conversational Intelligence® Coach & Facilitator
  • The Neuroscience School Certificate of Applied Neuroscience
  • The Neuroscience School Next Level Program of Applied Science
  • MentorPath® New Life Story® Coach
  • DiSC® Behavioral Analyst
  • Rochester Institute of Technology, BFA


  • TV Co-Host: Morning Coffee at RVN Television
  • TV Co-Host: The Advocates
  • Dubbed the “Words Maestro” by colleagues
  • Tae Kwon Do 2nd Degree Black Belt
  • Kum Do (Swords) Practitioner
  • CEO of Maverick (graphic design and all things branding)
  • Awesome penmanship and calligraphy
  • Paper sculpture creator
  • Proud Mom of three amazing kids who are chasing their dreams